August 27, 2013


26 August 2013, something new in my life. First experiece. I dont care if it is something good, but unfortunately it is bad. Very bad. Something that I never expect happen in my life. Ohh..if only I know that you are serious when you told us that, I'll never persuade you to join us. I'll never listen to our friend that told me to persuade you. Never!!!

I was shocked! It make me feel awkward. I dont like that situation. Frankly speaking, you have no right to ask me to do so. Both of you doesnt have a rightful relationship. And we only friend. Not just between us, but 9 of us.

I just speechless. So sad. Why I have to feel sad? I feel like that stranger degrading me. So annoying!!! Never comes into my mind to have feeling towards him. I feel like want to laugh. haha... 

To that stranger, I hope that this wont happen again. Enough I'm the only one that become your victim. I dont know you and I believe that you also dont know me, so no need to say something like you know very well. I am not desperate to stole him from you. Wasting my time. 

Since high school, one of the thing that I dont want to happen, when a friendship broke because of love. I want to avoid that. 

Ok..penat dah cuba nak ber'speaking'..hehe..

Tragedi ni kedua terbesar dalam hidup aku. Rasa cam nak nangis jak bila dituduh camtu..huhu.. Sepatutnya stranger tu meletakkan kepercayaan kepada ***. Ni nak berkawan pun susah. Yang tak salah jadi salah. Hmm..mengganggu fikiran betul. Bukankah lebih baik bertanya dahulu sebelum terus menyerang?  

Memaafkan tu mudah, tapi tidak semudah melupakan.

Tapi, bila aku muhasabah diri balik, ya, maybe ni teguran dari ALLAH untuk aku lebih berpada-pada dalam perhubungan, meski persahabatan sekalipun. Sebab orang nak tafsir, macam-macam yang boleh ditafsirkan. 

Tanpa kita sedari, kita berpotensi membuat orang sakit hati dengan kita. Even orang tu tak pernah wujud dalam hidup kita. Tapi, kita wujud dalam hidup dia secara tidak langsung. Ya ALLAH, ampunkan aku. Aku tidak berniat. Aku akan lebih berhati-hati lepas ni. :(

Semoga yang berlaku menjadi pengajarn padaku. 



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